
Taylor Life in Other Word

When, while the lovely valley teems with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of bliss; and then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in my soul and absorb its power, like the form of a beloved mistress, then I often think with longing, Oh, would I could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me, that it might be the mirror of my soul, as my soul is the mirror of the infinite God!

O my friend — but it is too much for my strength — I sink under the weight of the splendor of these visions! A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.

I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.

When, while the lovely valley teems with vapor around me, and the meridian sun strikes the upper surface of the impenetrable foliage of my trees, and but a few stray gleams steal into the inner sanctuary, I throw myself down among the tall grass by the trickling stream; and, as I lie close to the earth, a thousand unknown plants are noticed by me: when I hear the buzz of the little world among the stalks, and grow familiar with the countless indescribable forms of the insects and flies, then I feel the presence of the Almighty, who formed us in his own image, and the breath of that universal love which bears and sustains us, as it floats around us in an eternity of bliss; and then, my friend, when darkness overspreads my eyes, and heaven and earth seem to dwell in my soul and absorb its power, like the form of a beloved mistress, then I often think with longing, Oh, would I could describe these conceptions, could impress upon paper all that is living so full and warm within me.

All you need to know about latest Google AdWords Updation

All you need to know about latest Google AdWords Updation

After the GDPR implementation announcement in 2016, Google has released the new Google AdWords Updation in compliance with it, Know with the opinion of Wininfosoft PPC Expert. Before,  in March, the company had introduced the first phase of changes that specified contracts, product changes and how it aims to comply with the regulations that are to be implemented by 25th may 2018. This latest change deals with guiding advertisers on solutions to help them gather consent, informing new publishers about the consent tools approach on the content of non-Google exchanges etc.

What is GDPR?

General data protection regulation or GDPR is a regulation passed by EU that protects every individual in the European Union from personal data and privacy breaches. The regulation was adopted in 2016 to give control of private data to its citizens along with trying to make the regulatory environment for international businesses simple. Although the GDPR is not a directive and is not therefore mandatory for National governments to issue an announcement, it still is binding and directly applicable. The scope of this regulation is extended to even foreign companies outside of the EU that deal with the information and data of the residents of the European Union. Breach of this regulation will be met with strict consequences with either 4% of the worldwide turnover or €20 million, whichever is higher. Are you getting now Google AdWords Updation

Google’s Latest Policy Change

The latest change is broadly specified in three sections. They have also put in some recommended actions that can help you browse through the changes and make decision likewise. The specified changes have been explained briefly.

Consent Solutions

They have updated their Help Center to help you understand how to implement the updated EU policy. They also have new guidebooks in with respect to language and some already available consent solutions from Third Parties. Google has also mentioned deciding how is your company thinking of gathering consent over your sites and apps. You can develop and use your own mechanisms or work with some solutions provided by

New Controls for publishers

The update mentions a few new controls for publishers and ways of integration which if you are using third party ad serving and tracking platform, can potentially affect where your ads appear.

  1. Non-Personalized Ads:
  • They will be launching Provider Controls in Ad Technology for publishers through DFP/AdX, AdMob, AdSense etc.
  • Using the controls, advertisers and publishers will be able to choose the ad technology providers who are to be supported to serve, track ads on their sites and apps for users in the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • Every listed provider has already shared information essential for the GDPR. The company has urged to encourage your provider to do the same in case they haven’t. Google has also provided a process guide for all ad tech providers.
  • A list of Ad Technology Providers will be provided under the ‘commonly used’ section of the policy(Google AdWords Updation) which can be referred by companies that wish to choose their own and not engage with the controls.
  • Your campaigns will be serving for an ad impression in the EEA if the publisher supports the Ad Technology Providers you use.
  1. Non-Personalized Ads:
  • Google will soon be launching this feature for DFP/AdX, AdMob, and AdSense for publishers to give a choice to their EEA users between personalized ads and non-personalized ads. This feature is discussed in depth in their Help Center Page.
  1. Integrations With Third-Party Ad Exchanges:
  • The company will be pairing up with third-party exchanges who utilize the IAB’s GDPR Transparency and Consent Framework. This will also be applicable to those who are subject to their EU User Consent Policy. The recommendation includes reviewing your use of third-party ad servers and/or pixels with vendors that are not part of the Ad Technology Provider Controls to avoid unnecessary delay and breach of the regulation.


Other Important details about Google AdWords Updation

  • In case you are using Google Analytics 360 or DoubleClick do the review and/or accept data processing terms available in each account you manage.
  • For Google Analytics (Standard or 360) review the retention controls of data so as to allow you to manage how long your user and event data is held on Google’s servers. Data deletions will then be processed by the company based on your settings from May 25th.

In case of any further queries, one can visit the official Google Help Center Page.

About the author:

Win Infosoft is a Digital Marketing agency with years of experience in providing the best possible services in PPC, SEO, SMM, Website and App developments. If you are looking for someone to convert your website into HTTPS, contact us today for a smooth transition.


first step to hire android app designer for increasing your digital presence. Some rely on the reference to others while many roam around browsing several websites to get quotations for the same.

Tips To Keep In Mind To Hire Android App Designer

You must wonder what should be the first step to hire android app designer for increasing your digital presence. Some rely on the reference to others while many roam around browsing several websites to get quotations for the same. But hiring an Android app designer is a process which has to be carefully undertaken to ensure that whatever work you require of them, is easily and flawlessly delivered. Here are some essential tips to keep in mind before hiring an expert for app designing.


  1. Do Your Research
    Do your fair amount of research on which company has a good reputation, what is their profile, how many clients have they served and how is their monetary requirement. You can acquire these details from the internet or ask your closest friends and acquaintances for references. Once the list is ready, move on to the next step.
  2. Decide Your Parameters
    Make a list of parameters that are important to you. If you are just starting then money is very scarce and you need someone who’ll do a good job in less expense. If you are looking to move your business online quickly, time is of importance and your main parameter would be to find someone who is efficient. Decide your list of parameters and shortlist the companies accordingly.
  3. Focus On Their Work
    No matter what your priority is, always focus on their previous work and profile. It speaks a lot about their experience, quality, and skill of executing the job. Look for someone who has already delivered many projects or varies types. The last point is important too as it reflects the amount of creativity that they can instill in making your app appealing or user-friendly to the customers.
  4. Have A Call Or A Meeting
    Have an initial call or meeting with the shortlisted companies to give them an idea of what you want and how much will they charge. By now based on the research even you get an idea of how much is okay to spend on an app. Talk to them and gauge how easily can they understand your need. This will help you decide on one company. Although, one thing you must keep in mind is quality work must be always paid well. So if you are looking for a good job, you shouldn’t work on saving money but be willing to spend a little more if needed.
  5. Decide Your Pick
    Now that you have all the information you need, you are in a position to decide on a company which
    – Understands just what your company needs
    – Is creative with all its clients
    – Has a very good work profile
    – Has a good reputation for delivering on time
    – Is easy on the pockets
    – Provides guarantee of good work within the deadline


Once you are done with all these, you can easily point out the best android app developing expert for you. Win Infosoft is an expert in developing android apps with skilled personnel and expertise. Contact us if you want to take your business to another level and get yourself an app.


About the author:

Win Infosoft is a Digital Marketing agency with years of experience in providing the best possible services in PPC, SEO, SMM, Website and App developments. If you are looking for someone to convert your website into HTTPS, contact us today for a smooth transition.

Is Your Social Media Declining? – Here Is What You Can Do About ItIs Your Social Media Declining? – Here Is What You Can Do About It

Is Your Social Media Declining? – Here Is What You Can Do About It

As a business and that too, a growing one, it is understandable that one may not be able to invest as much in social media. This has become a necessity, however, ever since the Facebook algorithms changed and organic reach now seems impossible. In 2016, the number of organic reaches on Facebook declined by 52%. This means one cannot reach the number of customers it did before only base on your content.  Every post which appears on your timeline has to be boosted by some amount so that it reaches the audience it is supposed to. If you are facing a rapid decline in the number of organic reaches for your company, here are some pointers to help you come back in the race.

Unique content for each platform:

Understand where your audience is. It makes no sense to take your audience away from a social media that they love interacting in. Reports show that more and more consumers share media on their favorite social media platforms and network communities. Delivering them with the content directly in their comfort zone is one way to ensure organic growth.

This is also commonly known as distributed content strategy. Create unique content for each platform. Instead of redirecting the customers to your blogs on the website each time, create a visual image with the basic gist of the link if they wish to see more. This works tremendously for platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. For other platforms like Twitter and Facebook, one can use the blog links to redirect them as it does not really take them away from their network.

Every once in a while feature someone else’s content:

The traditional belief is that if you constantly keep sharing your own content and push it across, your consumers will finally be attentive to everything you have to say. This is somewhat wrong. Social media is all about being social which means the users expect their brands to be social as well. The key is to understand what clicks with your customers and sharing or featuring that content every once in a while. As long as the curated content does not go against what the brand stands for, it is okay to look at what others are posting that is liked to buy your consumers. Sometimes, it is okay to share an article or blog of some other company that has valuable information about the industry, it showcases your thoughtfulness and willingness to stay up to date with the industry.

Study algorithms:

You must have noticed that once you log in to any social media platform, the news feed contains posts and content based on the previous engagements you had on the social media. As a marketer, it is useful to understand just how these algorithms work to be able to provide a specific strategy that increases your customer base. Algorithm insights for some of the platforms are:

  • Facebook posts are ranked such that posts by family and friends are featured first followed by information posts and then entertainment.
  • For Instagram, the posts are based on your interest in a particular content, how likely you are to respond to a particular post, your relationship with the user who posts and the regular timeline.
  • The feed is customized based on your preferences and features the best tweets on the news feed while you were away from the app. The company is still working on how to make the algorithm perfect for recognizing the best tweets for an individual user.

Keep your content budgeted:

Social media ads, sponsored and boosted content are the best way to reach your audience as the organic reach decreases. A report by Nielsen Brand Effect found that among the 475 social media campaigns they evaluated, Instagram proved to be a better choice of an ad as much as three times. It showed that the ads on the app were more memorable for people thus making them far more likely to click on the ads. Here are some reasons to use advertising on social media.

  • Get higher conversion rates:
    Ads help you target the people to whom the ads must be sent to. With greater options on the area, demographic and when it goes out, it is easier to send ads to specific groups that can potentially buy your product.
  • Create different ad types:
    Facebook provides us with a range of ad types to produce like the slideshow; carousel, video etc. use every ad type and see which one works best for you.
  • See results:
    Get specific data on which ads are giving the most leads and which are engaging for your customers. Get a report on metrics that are important and your top performing ads.
  • Make it mobile friendly:
    About 80% of the social media users access them through their smartphones. Create ads that are friendly for the website as well as mobile.

Use these tips to tweak your social media a little here and there and you will find a considerable increase in the engagements of your customers with the brand.

About the author:
Win Infosoft is a digital marketing agency that provides marketing services in SEO, SMM, PPC and services in Mobile app development and website development.

Digital MArketing Agency

How To Choose A Top Rated Digital Marketing Agency

Giving the reigns of your brand and advertising to a top rated digital marketing agency seems quite easy by a single search on Google and the top result. However, companies have lost revenues, brand value, and money by selecting an agency which was not fit for their company. Before choosing a candidate fit for a job we usually have rounds of evaluation that ensures that we get the best one. And we do that to the best of our abilities. Why not do the same with digital marketing agencies?

Digital marketing agencies are outsourced with work of marketing a company on the digital platform, a job that can make or break a company. And hence it is important to go through a procedure before hiring any agency.

  1. A need assessment:
    Do a need assessment of your own requirements. Most of the agencies provide everything, from SEO, PPC to social media marketing, Adwords and more. But if you decide that you have to house employees to take care of the social media for you, then keep that specification in mind.
  2. Check out core competencies:
    Now, you have to check out websites of the agencies that are best at the other tasks under digital marketing. Usually, companies would want to highlight their strengths on their website which is a pool of information for you. If you only need branding than an agency with experience and skill in the field would be best for you and not the other SEO, PPC services they provide.
  3. Do research:
    Once you have short listed the companies that you think would be suitable for your needs, it is time to dig deeper. Do homework, go into their social media profiles, get information as much as you can. The reviews on Google and comments on their Twitter handle can tell you a lot about their services and performance. You wouldn’t want to end up with an agency that does not listen to your queries. However, separate the competitor comments from the others, meaning, track the history of the commenter too to make sure they are a credible source of information.
  4. Get references:
    Get references in the Industry, people who have worked with the agency before. Discuss with them the strength of the agency and the challenges the reference faced. Note that the objective here is not to find negatives of the agency but to understand whether the agency is fit to deliver specific requirements and nature. How they handle their clients and their needs are what defines a company.
  5. Meet the agency:
    Do not finalize on an agency before meeting them in person. This helps in 3 major things:
    – Meeting with them and the person working on your particular project helps you understand whether they would be able to pull it off or not.
    – It will build a rapport between you both where you can set expectations, in such a way that you give them space to say no if they feel a need cannot be fulfilled.
    – In case the agency is not handed with the complete digital marketing and just a few aspects, it is crucial to maintaining an effective communication system between the teams so that the objectives are aligned and worked towards together.

The last step is simple, if you had not problems by far with an agency, it is for you. Make a mental note that digital marketing agencies are not all perfect, but have their own strength and weaknesses. Do give an intensive review to the agency whenever you can, ensuring performance.

WinInfoSoft is a digital marketing agency with expertise in every digital marketing area including SEO, PPC, Adwords, Social Media etc.